When you look out your window tonight, you might catch a glimpse of me.Can I feel your pulse? It’s getting slower… slower… slower… It stopped.You look just like my sister… who died under mysterious circumstances.I hope you don’t scream as much as the last one.Even a baby can be dangerous when given a sharp scalpel.We have listed some here, take a look at! Wanna have fun while texting? How about sending creepy texts to people? It may be the best prank if you can find the most fun and exciting creepy things to say over text. My hope is that one day I will be able to say, “I’ve killed a chicken.”.Stare at me much longer and I’ll pluck out your eye.We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight.” -H.P.(To a gun store clerk) I need to buy a rifle and one bullet.I wish to organize the first serial killer convention.The smile she gave me wasn’t one from mother to child: it was one from predator to prey.Something was scratching the other side of my pillow all night long.I’ve tried to take my own life 73 times.About a week later, people began to go missing. It was July when the dogs began to disappear from the neighborhood.Pull back my carpets if you dare! Just keep in mind that you’re likely to find something you may not want to see!.Delicate things are not as easy to break as you may think.Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows.I’m so sorry… for what is about to happen.I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.I couldn’t find any clean underwear this morning… so I had to borrow my grandmother’s.I’ve been practicing for this moment for so long….Don’t struggle… I hate it when they struggle.Please stop me before I kill again… I can’t help myself anymore.They say a serial killer’s first victim is always someone he knows….Oh dear God! Just keep walking towards me! Whatever you do, don’t look behind you!.Don’t try to scream… No-one will hear you.This is almost as much fun as watching you sleep.